Monday, September 19, 2005

I'm Coming Back, Peace by Piece

I am surrounded by my life. My life compartmentalized into cardboard squares. This is truly unlike any other moving experience I have ever had. The last place I lived in for seven years. Longer than any other places I’ve ever lived as an adult. My move out of there was sudden and abrupt. No time for me to rearrange my work schedule. My life was piece by piece contained by someone I hired to do so. That was back in March. Today is September 18th and I am seeing most of who, what and how I am for the first time in five very long months. It’s foreign and comforting all at the same time. My very own place, for the very first time. My first purchased property. My huge grown-up commitment. Right now I feel so far away from what I once was it’s like I’m doing everything for the very first time. My refrigerator is completely empty except for a few cans of Diet Barq’s Root Beer and half of a bean and cheese burrito. Today I had to go out and buy mustard. Mustard - because I don’t own any. As I walked through the grocery store I realized that for anything I want to eat I had to make sure I had everything I needed, down to the spices; even salt and pepper. I have been living without a home for so long I had forgotten how much I assumed would always be available to me at home. Box by box I am coming back to life. A new life. A new home. A new job. A new city. I will appreciate all that I have in my life like I never have before. Tonight I will sleep in my bed with myself for the very first time in five months. Peaceful.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Is There Anybody Out There?

I heard a commercial on Air America this morning (usually the only annoying thing about listening since I am catching it via XM Radio!) Anyway, I had to check it out and it appears to be true. This is a webpage totally devoted to giving you direct phone numbers and steps for getting directly to a living, breathing customer service representative. Apparently, it was put together as a result of someone’s frustration over never being able to reach someone on the phone and also due to a lot of websites that now make it nearly impossible to find a phone number to call. Try it out: Find A Human You can also always find it by typing “Find A Human” in any search engine.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

F Bush and His F'ing Idiotic Followers!

God there is so much I want to say but I don’t even know where to begin. So much has already been written so I think instead I’ll just relay some of the things I’ve been reading and think warrant being reposted: Hurricane George Katrina Timeline Outlining FEMA Response 1.586 Cuban Doctors and 36 Tons of Medicine Offered from Cuba Continues to be Ignored by US 20 Mind-Numbingly Stupid Quotes About Hurricane Katrina And Its Aftermath Okay, Clinton gets impeached for getting a blowjob but Bush is still in office with no hint of repercussion for a damn thing he’s done to date. Oh wait, but Clinton did lie about the blowjob at first so… God! Jesus! Where is the light at the end of the tunnel?

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