Tuesday, November 29, 2005


The Topanga Canyon fires are getting dangerously close to Laura's rental property in Agoura Hills. Very scary. I hope everything turns out Ok. So far, they haven't evacuated her renters.

Monday, November 28, 2005

The Big D.

My former next-door neighbor committed suicide a few days ago. Very shocking and extremely thought-provoking. It definitely makes you put your own life in check. He was reported missing for a while. The Sheriff’s Department issued a flyer that contained the statement “recently diagnosed with Depression”. That’s what really got to me. I suffer from Depression. Not a whole lot of people know that. It took literally years for me to accept it. For me it felt like admitting weakness and defeat. I finally woke up one day and let it sink in that if it were another type of affliction, say diabetes, I would never have thought I could take it on without the aid of medication. Today it is totally under control. Today when I found out about my neighbor, I couldn’t help but compare myself. I don’t mean to take away from his life and I have no idea what has going on in his head that lead him to this conclusion. All I do know is that I was headed down that path and I had no idea why. My problems in life were no more or no less than the average person. I knew that yet I was powerless in dealing with them mentally. With the help of my friends and a therapist that I literally owe my life to, I finally realized that the most intelligent thing I could have done was to treat it. Fuck Tom Cruise and his religion. As if religion isn’t a drug in and of itself. Dalton will be missed. He was one of the Huntley gang for a long time. He had a Pug he named Huntley. At the time I wasn’t very found of Pugs but Huntley was cool. After all, he was the street mascot! Then Della came along; Dalton’s female Pug. Della was a huge roly-poly who even as a pup outweighed poor Huntley. Eventually, Della went to live with Dalton’s parents and Huntley’s life was back to order. Then, the Bitches bought the property I rented. The neighbors banded together even closer. Dalton, along with all of the rest of us, had many issues with the Bitches, especially when they decided to put a camera on their rooftop angled directly at his pool. It was legal because it was not hidden. Anyway, through the years life on Huntley was part of what made me happy. I never took for granted the fact that it was so abnormal for neighbors in the heart of West Hollywood to not only know each other, but to look out for one another as well. Dalton was one of those neighbors. I wish he could have dealt with his Depression.

Thursday, November 24, 2005

4 In The Morning, Came Without A Warning...

It's actually 4:30 AM Saturday morning but the subject title took me back to high school as it sang in my mind. Most will have absolutely no idea what I'm referring to. But, if you do, impress me. One of the things I’ve missed about being by myself I forgot. Can’t sleep; too much on my mind. I don’t have to keep trying, which makes it worse anyway. Sit up, boot up the laptop, and away I go. This is a luxury I've forgotten about. I feel very empty inside right now. Something I’ve felt for a while but thought it was my lack of privacy. It’s not. I guess so much has changed in my life that I’m trying to find my place again. It really has been a long while since I didn’t know my neighborhood. It’s not a bad thing, I just seem to have misplaced my footing. You are awake right now, alone and in pain. I feel useless in my ability to lend you comfort. Always know that I am there, no matter where you are. I always have been, always will be. I’m going to suffer tomorrow in my absence of rest. I will be glad it is Saturday. I put in 12 hours at work today. Got very close to completing a very important task. Monday I will have to sign my name to indicate the work I am responsible for at this juncture in the project is completed. I’ve been involved in many projects at various jobs but never at a level where I’m actually signing legal documentation that could potentially put my head on the chopping block should something fail. Not really something I’m comfortable with although I don’t know why. After all, I would not sign to begin with if I did not truly believe what I was signing. Maybe all of the sudden now that I have a mortgage my perspective on job security has shifted. I hate that. God my mind is going a mile a minute. I’d take a sleeping pill but it’s way too late into the night for that now. I got a brand new Tivo box today that is going to cost me nothing. Best Buy (ah my true weakness!) is having a sale where you buy a DirecTV/Tivo box for $99.99 and you get a mail-in rebate of $100! Can’t beat that. The only reason I was even looking was because my box is so old that it doesn’t have a USB connection in the back. I picked up a USB wireless card tonight so that I could rig it in place of having a landline for service. My DirecTV got set up on Thursday but no Tivo because no home phone to dial in. Fuck them! I refuse to get one. Totally ridiculous in this day and age! My trusty LJ Tivo community gave me just the information I need to set it up via the Web, and wireless at that! Adelphia will come back for a second time tomorrow to replace the cable from the root leading to my unit. The connection is very weak right now and will not give me a strong enough internet connection. This time, I’m going wireless all the way through the house. Picked up a wireless PC card today too. I’m sick of all the damn cords I always seem to end up having around my house. As soon as Verizon gets off their ass and starts offering more Bluetooth units, I’ll junk my wired earpiece too. Speaking of that, when will Verizon get around to offering WiFi for PCs? As a longtime customer, I so would be into going that route instead of Adelphia. Now that I think of it, what’s up with Verizon and their lack of innovative technology? Ok, now I’m really geeking out. I need to shut my brain off. It’s going to be one of those weekends…

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Religion, Enough Said

I found this article yesterday and had to post it. What the hell? I can't understand why in this day and age this shit is accepted. To me, this is the Catholic Church desperately trying to place blame of all their pedophiles on Homosexuality. Of course all the religious freaks will cling to this theory. The truth is the vast majority of child molestors are straight men. And people wonder why I don't subscribe to religion... By the way, make sure to check out that final line in this article. Religion = Hypocrisy at its best! Vatican Rejects Actively Gay Priests By NICOLE WINFIELD, Associated Press Writer VATICAN CITY - Reiterating its stand against sexually active gays in the priesthood, the Vatican also says in a new document that men with "transitory" homosexuality must have overcome their sexual tendencies for at least three years before entering the clergy. The long-awaited "Instruction," due to be released next week, was posted Tuesday on the Internet by the Italian Catholic news agency Adista. A church official who has read the document confirmed its authenticity; he asked that his name not be used because the piece has not been published by the Vatican. Conservative Roman Catholics who have decried the "gay subculture" in seminaries will likely applaud the policy because it clarifies and perhaps toughens what the Vatican expects of seminarians and their administrators. Critics of the policy warned that, if enforced, it will likely result in seminarians lying about their orientation and will decrease the already dwindling number of priests in the United States even further. Estimates of the number of gays in U.S. seminaries and the priesthood range from 25 percent to 50 percent, according to a review of research by the Rev. Donald Cozzens, an author of "The Changing Face of the Priesthood." The document, from the Vatican's Congregation for Catholic Education, says the church deeply respects homosexuals. But it also says it "cannot admit to the seminary and the sacred orders those who practice homosexuality, present deeply rooted homosexual tendencies or support so-called gay culture." "Those people find themselves, in fact, in a situation that presents a grave obstacle to a correct relationship with men and women. One cannot ignore the negative consequences that can stem from the ordination of people with deeply rooted homosexual tendencies," it said. "If instead it is a case of homosexual tendencies that are merely the expression of a transitory problem, for example as in the case of an unfinished adolescence, they must however have been clearly overcome for at least three years before ordination as a deacon." Vatican prohibitions on sexually active gays becoming priests are not new, and a 1961 document says homosexuals should be barred from the priesthood. But the issue came to the fore in 2002, at the height of the clergy sex abuse scandal in the United States. A study by the John Jay College of Criminal Justice found most abuse victims since 1950 were adolescent boys. Experts on sex offenders said homosexuals are no more likely than heterosexuals to molest young people, but that did not stifle questions about gay seminarians. In addition, some Catholic researchers said "gay subcultures" in seminaries were alienating heterosexuals, prompting them to drop out. The new document underlines that long-standing traditions and church teaching consider homosexual acts "grave sins" and also intrinsically immoral and contrary to natural law. "Therefore, in no case can they be approved," it says. Thomas Plante, a psychologist who for more than 15 years has conducted evaluations of prospective seminarians for U.S. dioceses and religious orders, said the document would have an "enormous" ripple effect on the future U.S. priesthood if it is followed. "Sexual orientation in almost all the evaluations I've done over 15 years hasn't really mattered," he said. "Now what's coming out of the Vatican is that it matters in a big way. That's a real challenge because we think that there are many, many, many gay men who are fabulous priests." He questioned how seminary directors would apply the new regulations, and suggested that many may resort to a "don't ask, don't tell" policy. The candidates too, may try to hide their sexual orientation because homosexuality is now a deal-breaker, said Plante, who is chairman of the psychology department at Santa Clara University in California. "That puts us in a bind because in order to do a real evaluation, you need to have some understanding of their sexual history or behavior, regardless of their orientation," he said. The document, called an "Instruction," is only five pages long, including footnotes. It was signed by the prefect and secretary of the congregation on Nov. 4, and says it was approved by Pope Benedict XVI on Aug. 31. The text makes no reference to current priests, directed instead to people entering seminaries and preparing for ordination. Its title reads: "Regarding the criteria of vocational discernment regarding people with homosexual tendencies in view of their admission to the seminary and to sacred orders." The sex abuse scandals have forced an unprecedented introspection into the clergy and how to train future priests. In September, Vatican-directed inspectors started visiting all 229 American seminaries. Part of their mission has been to seek any "evidence of homosexuality." The Vatican has often visited the issue of homosexuality, reflecting an unbending theological opposition but also an acknowledgment that discrimination based on sexual preference is not justified. In 2003, homosexuality was described as a "troubling moral and social phenomenon" in a document by the powerful Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, then headed by German Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, who became Pope Benedict this year. Vatican teaching also holds that homosexual acts are "intrinsically disordered." The church, however, says gays and lesbians should be treated with compassion and dignity.

Monday, November 21, 2005

America's Safest and Most Dangerous Cities in 2005

Just thought this was interesting enough to document. Image hosted by Photobucket.com This year Simi Valley isn't among the top ten overall in the US, which is something those folk are very proud to point out. For 2005 it's something like 22. Must be because my brown ass was there for five months this year. Notice there are no California cities in the Most Dangerous. Nice to see. Detroit is number two... Image hosted by Photobucket.com Okay so Simi made number four here. What's way more interesting to me though is that Sunnyvale is number 5!! I lived there for a while when I was but a tyke (I said Tyke!) Everyone there and in surrounding areas knew it was not a very nice area. Interesting what Silicon Valley has done with those cities. Only one California city, Richmond. It's right next door to Oakland... Image hosted by Photobucket.com Ok now I'm scratching my head! San Jose is the safest city over 500,000?!?! C'mon, I went to college there. We had mean homeless people begging for change all around the campus. You damn sure did not take a night class without having someone to walk with! This is the city I was in when the 7.1 Loma Prieta earthquake happened in 1989. (For those NoCal novices, that was the "San Francisco" earthquake when the Bay Bridge fell.) Anyway, it took me two hours to drive 2 1/2 miles to the freeway onramp. People were looting the old stores that had collapsed around us. Not a great place to be at all. Again, the semiconductor industry has turned this city around. Very strange for me to see. New York City is number five!!! Very cool! I love me some NYC! Detroit is THE most dangerous of these cities! Oh well, I still want to visit Motown...

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

I second that, but I don't volunteer.

Gotta love it! Image hosted by Photobucket.com

Friday, November 04, 2005

I won't give up what's meant to be.

Get your own countdown at BlingyBlob.com