Wednesday, September 29, 2004

It's Been A Long Time

Okay, so I'm afraid to even look at the date of my last entry. So many life-changing things have taken place since then. New job, new relationship, soon-to-be new living arrangement, becoming a certified scuba diver and getting ready to travel. The job I am over and may soon be leaving if everything falls into place for me. I may be working from home by the year's end. That would be a very welcomed thing given all else happening right now. I can't really complain too much though as at the moment I'm on disability from work anyway. It's a beautiful thing that I truly did not plan but I managed to get injured and placed on leave right before my two week vacation. That's right, I'm going to the Carribean and I don't have to use any of my vacation hours! Of course I also won't be able to do all the activities I had planned but I can live with that. I found out last night that my new landlord is planning to demolish our home in the next 9-12 months. I came extremely close to buying this place before realizing that although I could potentially afford the $6000 mortgage by splitting it with two other people, I really didn't relish the thought of having to cut back on everything else in my life. Instead, it looks as though my cousin and I will be buying a duplex somewhere else in LA and occupying both units. Finally, I'll have my very own living space AND own it as well. As for my new relationship, everything is great. She took me away for the weekend just a few days ago. We went to Cambria which is near Hearst Castle in Central California along the coast. Very romantic; the room had a patio that opened right on to the beach. It was foggy and cold but we had a fireplace which was going pretty much the entire time we were there. It occured to me that this was the first time ever in my life someone actually treated me to something like this. She made all the arrangements, drove us there and wouldn't let me pay for a thing. It felt weird. It was nice though and very much appreciated. While we drank wine and nibbled on cheese and crackers bundled and surrounded by a cold breeze and fog on the beach we realized that the very next weekend we would be in the warm sun sipping tropical drinks and wearing as little as possible. Yeah, life is good right now and I want to stop and remember this period. This is probably why I felt compelled to capture this in my journal. The only downside is that my ever predictable self keeps wondering when the storm cloud is going to come rolling in again. Until then, I want to ride this wave as long as I am meant to do so.

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