Friday, March 26, 2004

The Party's Over

Have you ever been the last person to leave the party? I don’t mean because you passed out on the bathroom floor and woke up the next morning wondering where you were. (Although I have to admit if I reach far back into the archives of my brain I do have those memories too. Ah, college you weren’t that long ago were you?) Anyway, I digress. Today was the final day of work as I have known it for over two years now. I can honestly say I have dealt with every emotion I could have possibly imagined on this project and that is no exaggeration. I have worked harder, longer, learned the most, earned the most and most importantly, had the privilege to work with the most talented group of people in my entire career. At the moment I’m not sure I would do it again but I’ll need to revisit that question in another year. Every member of my team is now gone. All that remains is myself and my direct report, we being the only actual employees of the company. Everyone else, all consultants, have moved on to their next projects. Some I will most likely never see again. Others have earned a place in my heart and I believe will be a part of my life for years to come. Overall, our entire group experienced this together and no one outside of us can ever really comprehend what it is we have just lived through and accomplished. I am proud of all of us collectively and individually. This is an experience I will use as a basis for comparison in every career challenge I meet going forward. So what now? Three small words that ask a very huge question. I have no idea but I am excited about that. For now, I am lingering at the party while the host picks up the half-empty beer bottles. (And no that’s not me being pessimistic. Who drinks a beer with the intention of leaving it half full?) Yeah I can hear the glass clanking as they drop into the Hefty. I’m going for my jacket but I’m taking my time. Where did I put those keys? My position has been extended from mid-April until “at least the end of June”. I am interviewing outside of the company with the hopes of landing something entirely new and interesting. Money is not a factor. Title is not important. Location is and keeping me engrossed is even more so. More than anything I would love to secure a position then take a month or two off. I’m going to try my best to make that happen. Over the last three days I trained over 200 people from all over the country. Half of them were today. I got a lot of great feedback from some very appreciative people. It was the best way this whole thing could have wrapped itself up. High notes are always nice to end on and that’s a cue for me not to overstay my welcome. I look forward to what lies ahead.

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