Thursday, August 04, 2005

Chaka was CaCa

I was engulfed in the reason I live in LA last night. Setting: Stars (albeit in the smoggy sky), warm weather, a great bottle of wine, a front and center view of the Hollywood sign before my eyes and music in an oasis setting but smack dab in the surroundings of the 101 and Hollywood. Yes, I’m referring to a summer night at the Hollywood Bowl with my best friend. Chaka Khan and Gladys Knight and great bands backing them up. It’s too bad Chaka fucked up her songs. I really went there wondering why the bill was her before Gladys but left with my answer. I don’t know what she was on but she couldn’t sing her songs to save her life. She butchered them and always cut to her signature screaming. Her voice is still great but she just wasn’t really following the program. I was mad. Gladys on the other hand was a huge surprise. I knew I wanted to see her but never thought I would enjoy her show as much as I did. She said she was taking us on a musical journey, and she followed through. She’s a legend, indeed and just won the BET Lifetime Achievement Award this year. She looks great, she sounds great and she has a great stage persona. If you haven’t seen her you really should. Unfortunately the most memorable part of the night was not the music. Well at least not what was coming from the stage, that is if it can be labeled as such. For more on that, see kerouacgal ‘s entry. Ah LA, I love you. I can’t wait to move back, good and close.


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