Saturday, June 04, 2005

Life is good at this very moment...

This is the first time in months that I've had time, let alone space, to myself. Not that I'm not grateful for the generosity of everyone around me. I am just so used to, and in sheer need of, time alone. Time to think, write, sleep, play video games, daydream, scratch my ass, or whatever else I want to do - including nothing at all. Am I ready to live with someone? At the moment, definitely not. I hope someday that will change though. Until then, let me be! Which brings me to another topic - homebuying. I've been looking since February to find what I saw yesterday. Beautiful, perfect and everything I've wanted. I don't want to get my hopes up too high but something tells me this is what I've been waiting for. Please let that something be right. Please? The downside is it's in the valley, North Hollywood to be exact. Never wanted to be a valley girl but sometimes ya gotta do what ya gotta do, right? Anyway, it's only for a short time - couple years max, then I'll move on up back over the hill into something nice and where I really want to be. It looks like I may be taking a job in NoHo anyway and my commute would be like 5 minutes. Can't complain about that! Today is Saturday. It's 8:43 AM and I'm sitting up in bed playing on my laptop. Nothing to do, nowhere to go. Well, except to remember to move my car by 10:00 or else I'm going to get another ticket today. Life is good, for the moment. Yes it is.


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