Friday, April 09, 2004

Projects by Choice

So now that I have more free time I have all these little projects I’ve been mentally keeping a note of wanting to do. Most of them involve the use of my computer (of course). I’m just about done with the database. One more slight stumbling block to overcome. I should be able to resolve that quickly. Next I want to put together a PowerPoint Show for my former co-workers with photos that I’ve taken throughout the life of the project. I can’t wait until this is complete and I can send it off to everyone. Pretty much the entire time we worked together I brought my camera to anything we did. I’ve got photos of different locations we visited, celebrations we had at every milestone, parties for the various weddings, promotions, babies and birthdays, and just some candid everyday shots I took along the way. I heard all the complaints about the fact that they could never do anything with me that didn’t involve pictures being taken. Yet I know once this file is sent to them, they’ll all be happy to have a little token of our time together. I will too. After that, I want to pick up where I left off with dropping my entire CD collection onto my external hard drive. I really want to downsize my hard copies of CDs and go MP3 as much as possible. I figure I can be a packrat all I want in my storage space as long as I can get rid of some of the stuff I actually have lying around my house. Plus, the thought of having my entire music library at my fingertips to take on the road, to work, in my car to someone else’s house and virtually anywhere once I’ve then uploaded it to my player is very cool to me and will be well worth the work. It’s really nice to know that I can finally do some of the things I want to do for me. It’s been such a long time since I could. Now if I could just get a job I would be able to take a real vacation between leaving this one and starting the next.


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