Monday, November 17, 2003

It's Cold

It’s cold. Dammit. I hate cold weather. I can’t really say that around too many of my friends since a lot of them migrated over here from the East Coast. But I’m a California girl dammit and as such I have the right to complain when the temperature dips below 65 during the day. I also grew up in the Bay Area, well somewhat east of there, closer to the San Juaquin Valley. If you’re old enough you’ll remember that’s where that show “The Big Valley” was supposed to take place. And no, I’m not that old either but I’ve seen the reruns. The only thing that stands out for me is that it had that big ‘ol lesbian Barbara Stanwick in the series with her gun-totin’ dyke self. Anyway, tangent. In my home town of Livermore, or as we who managed to escape that black hole affectionately call it Live-No-More or LiverBore or LiverSnore (you get the point), it got very cold in the winters. So cold that I had to scrape ice off of my windshield in the mornings. I owned an ice-scraper. Not something you would easily find at an automotive store in Southern California. My point is I have lived in my share of cold weather. Seldom below the 20’s but as cold as I believe I will live in. I don’t like to be cold. It hurts. This is not just me being a big baby. I have a history of Arthritis in my family and whenever I get really cold, my bones actually ache. How old does that make me sound now? I don’t care. It’s a fact I’ve been aware of since I was a young kid watching my grandmother go through it. No need to provoke it any earlier than need be, sonny! That’s all I have to say for today. I either hope it warms up or just rains for days on end. The rain I like. It usually is accompanied by warmer climates. So to summarize: warm weather good, rain good, cold just for the sake of being cold not good. Not good at all. Dammit.


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