Thursday, November 06, 2003


I once wrote an auto bio and when I read it back I got the feeling I was reading about the life of someone else. I know I'm an interesting person who has so far had an interesting life but most people will never get the chance to know anything below the surface. That's just the way it is. So I think before I really get into this here live journal thing I should explain my username. My name is Monica. Growing up one of my friends started spelling it Moneyca and it just stuck. Her reason was she thought I was obsessed with money. Okay, now let me explain this. I'm by no means a materialistic person. Don't get me wrong, I like my toys but mostly that consists of electronics. I could really care less about expensive clothes, jewelry and other crap of that nature. No, the money issue comes from just that – money. Dollar bills, I just love the smell of them. Call me weird but I just like it in my hand and I like the concept of money. When I was a kid I was the one who always had to be the bank when we played Monopoly or Life. I had a bedroom with a window that faced the front of our house so I would take out the screen and play bank teller with my brothers and friends in the neighborhood. In a strange twist while I was in college I actually was a bank teller for about a year and I hated it. Not because of the money, but because of the customer service aspect. Oh and also the financial side of it. Moneyca no like accounting! Yuck! I think I’m going to like this site and I know starting off I’m probably going to be writing lots. I’m sure it will taper off once I get settled in though. I’m hoping to get a few of my close friends who I know would write some really interesting things journaling on here. In return I promise to be very frank and forthcoming in my entries, although some of them may have to be private. We’ll just have to see how all of this unfolds.


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