Thursday, November 13, 2003


My mind seems to keep going back to my two dogs today. I know every pet owner thinks the same way but I really do have the two coolest dogs I know. I’ll add a picture when I get a chance. Anyway, they’re mother and son, two years apart. Shiba Inus are known to have an average life span of 8 to 10 years. My female dog is now eight and definitely looking her age. She’s still as playful as my younger one but she gets tired more easily and her coat is turning completely white. I get sad sometimes when I look at her. I don’t think she has any idea that she’s hasn’t been a puppy for many moons. My male dog has never known a life without her and on the rare occasion they are separated goes absolutely crazy. I have no idea how I’m going to handle that once she’s gone. I have an arrangement with my ex where we have the dogs every other week. It works out perfectly. In fact, since we split it’s even easier for me to pick up and go away for a weekend than it was when we were together since twice a month I don’t have them. Who knew the benefits of this?! They’re away just long enough for me to miss them and they’re with me just the right amount of time before I need my space again. Some who hear about this think it’s strange. I live it and know that it’s probably the smartest thing she and I ever did together; well short of breaking up! My male dog just turned six a couple of weeks ago. That time flew. I watched him being born along with his brother and sister. A very cool experience and one I’ll never forget. That’s as close as I will and ever want to get to that type of experience. I held him in the palm of my hand all slimy and weightless. Now he is my shadow and never leaves my side no matter what room of the house I go into. Most mornings I walk out of the shower and he’s just there sitting at the bathroom door waiting. Yep, they’re on my mind today while I’m at work. They’ll be home tonight waiting for me when I get there. Never begging for money. Never mad that I left them alone for too long. Never bitching about me behind my back. Never planning to up and leave at some point. For now I’ve got a shot of them staring at me on my desk. I guess I should stop and get them a treat on the way home.


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