Friday, November 07, 2003

Sleepless in West Hollywood

I thought starting out I’d be writing mostly about who I am but today I don’t even really feel like writing. I’m forcing myself and hoping that this will be therapeutic. For the first time in my life, I’m suffering from insomnia. It sucks. It feels like I have a hangover and I didn’t even get to enjoy the high. My eyes burn, my body is weak and my brain feels like somebody wrung it out and placed it back in my head. I am tired. I can’t sleep without meds. I hate this. All my life I’ve never had problems with falling asleep nor with sleeping through the night. In fact, I even have embarrassing moments when I fell asleep at inappropriate times. Just so this isn’t a totally depressing entry, I’ll list the ones on the top of my very dry mind now in no apparent order. This should be kind of funny: 1. at a concert standing amidst a crowd. Lucky for me it was wall to wall people so I was supported. 2. once during sex. Sad, but it was with a man so… 3. on the phone while listening to a friend 4. in the middle of a face-to-face conversation with a friend 5. during a presentation that I was co-conducting (obviously while the other person was speaking but I was in the front of the room facing the attendees) 6. driving 7. at a movie 8. on a date at a concert (my date took me to see Yes. He was a huge fan and really wanted me to see how great they were. I wasn’t really into him or them but figured I was always up for a live show and they were good seats. Come to think of it, I don’t think he even realized that I was snoozin’ since he was so into the performance. whatever. bygones.) 9. at a club with the music blasting while everyone else I was with was off dancing (maybe I was the “purse watcher” or something. And no, I wasn’t the obligatory homely fat chick in case you’re wondering. I probably just wasn’t feelin’ that particular groove.) 10. in church (I think this one’s kind of a given unless I add the fact that I was the alter girl up there behind the priest!) Enough! Yeah, that kind of made me smile. Mem-Or-Eeez! Good times… Sleep is now a distant memory. Sniff, sniff. Please talk amongst yourselves. I’ll give you a topic. Pube’s. What is with this landing strip fad anyway? When did this all start? I mean at what point did someone say, “You know, that outta control bush is just not doing it for me.” Don’t get me wrong. Anyone with me must be neat and trimmed. But this pencil thin little line thing is just not attractive to me. I don’t get the appeal. It looks weird. It’s so not natural looking. I want to see hair. I want to know that I’m with an adult too. None of this bald crap either. And in case you’re wondering, men are not exempt from this either. Tidy up your shit dammit! No one wants to bury their face in your damn ‘fro! Well, ok maybe some like that but they would be in the minority and probably people who themselves wouldn’t be too clean I would imagine. Bottom line? Keep your pubic region neat but make sure to keep it! God, I really need some sleep. I’m in rare form. Maybe I should work on my short story…


Blogger rsoh2k4 said...

Did you fall asleep at a concert?


Which concert?


2/23/2006 12:00:00 PM  
Blogger moneyca said...


2/23/2006 12:13:00 PM  

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