Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Today's Agenda

Today, all damn day, my new friend and co-worker Tony and I were subjected to yet another meeting to be continued again all day tomorrow. I remember when I first started working in an office (way back when). I used to get excited about attending meetings. I tried to remember why. I think it was merely because it pulled me away from my daily work routine. Meetings were rare. That has changed drastically through the years. It seems the higher you get up the ladder, the more you talk about work and the less you actually work. Well at least during work hours. On second thought, the workload doesn’t really change, you’re just given less time during regular work hours to do it. Hmm, there couldn’t possibly be a correlation between that and the fact that once you climb a few rungs of that ladder you don’t get paid by the hour anymore. Could there be? Nah. So back to the meeting. This week’s meetings mostly consist of outside vendors, new faces in the building. The reason I point this out is to prove my point that no matter where you go in the business world or who you have sitting at the conference table, the jargon is always the damn same. Words may change slightly just like in any other circle of people’s buzz words but overall they change across the board. Just how many more times do I have to hear: At a high level… Dropped of the radar screen… I’ll take the action item… Let’s put a stake in the ground… From a (insert word here) perspective… At the end of the day… Have you met your deliverables? We need to do a deep dive… Stop it! Stop the madness! Imagine hearing this short list of phrases over and over again, meeting after meeting, year after year. Makes you want to just jump up on the table and shout “SHUT THE FUCK UP!” “SAY SOMETHING FUCKING ORIGINAL!” Are you feelin’ me? Anyone else out there have one of those phrases that just gets under your skin? Spit ‘em out People! Ahhhh, I feel a little better now. Until tomorrow…


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