Tuesday, January 31, 2006

The Day After

Yesterday was my birthday, my 39th. It was a good birthday that actually started over the weekend. Had a small gathering at my place to play some games. It was nice to have people over, like old times. I need to start doing that more. Sunday was a sleep-in and lounge around day after a late Saturday. K took me to dinner that night for my birthday. Yesterday was a typical work day but last night Laura made me dinner at her house. Just the way I wanted the day to end, calmly. You never realize how much you appreciate the calm until you experience the storm. The storms will be dissipating this year. That has turned into my goal for (as Michael put it) my final 12 months in my thirties. One thing that stuck out was the number of out-of-town friends who called, emailed, or mailed a card. A lot of surprises. It was nice. It was also the first year my Ito didn’t call and sing to me. As I drove to Laura’s last night, I turned on the radio; something I rarely do. I was flipping stations and found an old song that I liked followed by a couple more. A while later the station played their canned “The Quiet Storm” announcement. “Oh Lord!” I thought. When I was a kid my parents used to listen to a radio station that my brothers and I absolutely hated. We used to make fun of the tag it played every hour – “The Quiet Storm”. It became crystal clear that this moment happened for a reason. I don’t and won’t ever have kids. Having them around, among other things, is a constant reminder of just how old you continue to grow. I don’t have to experience this often. Last night in the car however, I could have done without the splash of cold water from the radio station insisting on pointing out that I have become my Mother. Oh well, at least I’m not driving a mini-van with four brats in tow! That’s me! Always looking at the bright side!


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