Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Empty Nest Syndrome

I’ve known of the possibility but found out last night that it is definite – my dogs will be moving to Redding, California soon. I have emotions all over the gamut right now but I don’t think it’s even truly hit me yet. They’re not supposed to be gone for good, just temporarily. I have to hold on to that. My ex and I have shared custody of our two dogs since we parted ways over 5 years ago. It’s worked out well for both of us, especially considering that almost the entire time we lived one block away from each other. Now she’s moving up north, way, way up north and is taking them with her. I can’t debate this. She isn’t working right now and has all the time in the world to spend with them. They’ll get her constant attention, a great big yard, and will be cared for very well. I can’t give them all of this so it would be selfish to try and keep them. She needs to come back to LA from time to time because of her business ties but that won’t be very often. Her goal is to move back as soon as she can. Circumstances are such that this move isn’t really what she wants but more so what she has to do at the moment. She loves LA at least as much as I do and I have to remind myself of that. Meanwhile, my dogs are 9 and 11 years old. They’re very healthy for their age but nonetheless, they aren’t young dogs. If something were to happen to them and I couldn’t be there it would kill me. I’ve known Jez since she was months old and Halen laid in the palm of my hand minutes after his birth. The exact date of the move isn’t set yet but I will be spending as much time with them while I can right now. I’m sure I’ll be writing more about this.


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